Guide ===== Introduction ------------ *prefixtree* provides both :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict`, a :term:`dictionary` like object, and :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixSet`, a set like object. Both are implemented using `prefix trees`_, or tries. Tries ^^^^^ Tries, also known as `prefix trees`_, are an ordered tree data structure. Trie minimise the ammount of memory required to store keys if the keys frequently share the same prefix. In addition to minimising memory, the keys in tries are ordered. This allows prefix tree based dicts and sets to support slicing operations. .. note:: Memory minimisation is an academic property of the data structure. Comparing a pure Python trie to an optimised C hash table may not demonstrate any memory savings. Keys ^^^^ The keys used in *prefixtree* collections must be a :class:`str` or :class:`bytes` object. Unicode strings will be encoded to bytes before storage and after retrieval. Because of this ``'\u2641'`` and ``b'\xe2\x99\x81'`` are equivalent keys. Installation ------------ Use `pip`_ to install *prefixtree* from `PyPI`_. :: $ pip install --use-mirrors filemagic The ``--use-mirrors`` argument is optional. However, it is a good idea to use this option as it both reduces the load on `PyPI`_ as well as continues to work if `PyPI`_ is unavailable. The :mod:`prefixtree` module should now be availabe from the Python shell. .. doctest:: >>> import prefixtree The sections bellow will describe how to use :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` and :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixSet`. PrefixDict ---------- This dictionary like object, implemented using a trie, is an implementation of the :class:`` :mod:`Abstract Base Class`. :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` supports the same construction methods as the builtin :class:`dict` object. .. doctest:: >>> from prefixtree import PrefixDict >>> pd = PrefixDict() >>> pd['a'] = Ellipsis >>> 'a' in pd True The most significant difference between :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` and builtin :class:`dict` object is that :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` supports using a :class:`slice` when getting, setting and deleting keys. When a :class:`slice` is used to get values an :term:`iterator` is returned. .. doctest:: >>> pd.update([('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2)]) >>> list(pd['a':'b']) [0, 1] Unlike slices for :term:`sequence` objects, such as :class:`list` and :class:`tuple`, slices on :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` are inclusive of both the start and the stop values. Step values of 1 and -1 are supported. Indicating forward and reverse iteration. .. doctest:: >>> list(pd['a':'c':-1]) [2, 1, 0] When setting a range of values using a slice from a :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict`, the new values are iterated over in order, replacing the current values from the slice. .. doctest:: >>> pd[:'b'] = [3, 4] >>> pd['a'] 3 >>> pd['b'] 4 If there are fewer new values than there are values in the slice an :class:`ValueError` exception is raised. The exception i raised after updating all possible values from the :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict`. .. doctest:: >>> pd['b':] = [5] Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Fewer new elements to than slice length >>> pd['b'] 5 Deleting slices works similar to getting slices. They are also inclusive of both the start and the stop value. .. doctest:: >>> del pd['b':'b'] >>> 'b' in pd False In addition to the standard :class:`dict` interface, a :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict` has the following additional methods. * :meth:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict.commonprefix` * :meth:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict.startswith` :meth:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict.commonprefix`` returns the longest common prefix between the supplied key and the keys already in the :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict`. .. doctest:: >>> pd.commonprefix('aa') 'a' :meth:`~prefixtree.PrefixDict.startswith` iterates over all keys that begin with the supplied prefix. .. doctest:: >>> pd = PrefixDict(aa=0, ab=1, ac=2) >>> list(pd.startswith('a')) ['aa', 'ab', 'ac'] Matching keys are returned in order. The order can be reversed by passing ``True`` for the ``reverse`` parameter. PrefixSet --------- This set like object, implemented using a trie, is an implementation of the :class:`collections.MutableSet`. :mod:`Abstract Base Class`. .. doctest:: >>> from prefixtree import PrefixSet >>> ps = PrefixSet() >>> ps.add('abc') >>> 'abc' in ps True :class:`~prefixtree.PrefixSet` supports the same construction methods as the builtin :class:`set` object. .. _PyPI: .. _pip: .. _prefix trees: